"The Truth is Everywhere and Nowhere." Jade Raven Pelton 2020
Since it says plainly in the setup and register area in a search engine like Google that websites that aren't paid for are looked at much less, and further from other sites that they are given little to no credit or support , I believe because people with money can just steal from those that post in a FREE unmonetized capacity which when you plagiarize people and re-plagiarize with your own personal take on things like Little Cupboard Method developed as Little Chef's Cupboard without permission, without knowledge first hand of being g a survivor of what caused the trauma associated with MY method to help heal healthily people with everything from Boosting, to Unhealthy and completely attributable to trauma like starvation, no clean underwear or clothing, lack of anything just about like food, drink, hygiene, showers, toilets or toilet paper, or the perception of a failure like not enough gravy at a holiday meal or pamphlets for something like shelter or help with stalking, or PTSD related associated behaviors related to things like having an abundance of camping equipment due to not having during a disaster or war where people got hurt or died. Little Cupboard Method , my creation built over years of self discovery regarding my own issues with a lot of canned foods, or more clothing or cleaning supplies or desserts even if I don't eat them due to deprivation, violence/abuse, no access to music or reading materials or having what I write stolen or torn up.
People killed people with this Little Chef's Cupboard (plus other things like Modified Recovery)and the information illegally gotten from recordings of me, illegally attained MHIPA records and HIPPA records, even things stolen from my social media. No less than 4 directly died because you who induced or came from those who induced trauma decided you know better. Andrew under 20 years old is dead, STOP stealing it isn't healing its Heeling people, children, and babies who have trauma from things you don't understand, like counting everything including paperwork pamphlets when I said what in my Trauma Informed Care presentation at RiverCenter during the National Wellness Conference, you might mean well and at the same those intentions are not well thought out that people who are even supposed to be trained screw up and cause ☠ death, by accident even like a therapist Saying "Well its been a couple years," to me when I started to disclose a Rape I had not ever really talked about.
You have to be the Origin to actually do it right! Questions came up, your answers or somebody else's not experience formed answered and a child died, that's when I was contacted not before, Who if not you helped direct you with this, they are part or I suspect they are of Layered Trauma and killing or cowing who they victimized and continue to do so. Ask yourself, am I the person who came up with this? If not find out who, originate factual people who know from experience not books or other methods like Harm Reduction a type of Recovery that can lead to modified or abstinence based recovery from anything not just drugs it was developed or stsrted for self harm in the 1970's and carried forward to 1990 I think. Reducing the harm you do to self, others, community, environment, animals or pets, job or work place, _____________ can lead to self identification of harm caused, causes or roots thereof, self planning, behavior alternatives and eventually full healing and recovery.
Be Curious even if suspicious, where did you hear about this , or see it, or read about it get websites, books, papers, media, proofs and then trace it back, some people who came up with Amazing you name it were stolen from and eventually murdered because reputations, money, power, influence, careers, and so much more were made off of them , their knowledge, experience, strength, and hope or ingenuity, innovative ideas and execution, changes and opportunities created etc We have Lost so many and they remain unacknowledged even children like my Questioning and Guided Self Journey to Epiphany and Discovery for self discovery is so much more powerful than being told, and Yes you let them have it, for goodness sakes that's what makes you the awesome person who actually helps, you credit hoarding , postulating, pontificating Jerks! You would not have gotten there without honesty, truth, them facing things and disclosure! Inspiration and Advisory Guidance is what I am not some rich self serving, a**hole interested in stroking my own ego, gathering followers and money etc on the backs of others suffering like you have done to me and others.
The pathetic and superior are who steal and purport to be a savior or some bloody queen or diva upon a throne of bodies that you fail to see is the reason why you are so high and mighty. How dare you claim to be me, know me, have helped me, are a pal or friend or associated with me in any way you intellectual rapists who think you are superior in your fortresses of cyberspace watching and listening while people die! Depraved insanity does not even begin you perpetrators of babies, oddlers*,children, teeens, youth, young adults, adults, elders and elderly no matter if they are disabled which is differently abled or you wouldn't steal from them and have them in unknown contracts.
So kiss my fat, white, cellulite, puckered butt(a**) because my odd, strange, peculiar, and weird self has always been a Nobody No one none and non to you a non entity as far as you are concerned, self apply is look at Awry.